Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The rest of October...

The last month has been a whirlwind of play dates, school, Halloween and a stomach flu thrown in there too. 

Gage hosted a play date and he and his friends painted salt dough, rocks and themselves...

...a little dress up fun with Baxter...ok, we had fun even if he didn't!...

...Here comes Indiana Jones! This is where the stomach flu came in, he got sick the weekend before Halloween and we missed most of the activities but we made sure he trick or treated at both Grandmas houses! (Hey, we know where to go to get the best goodies!!!)

At school last week we read "Night of the Moonjellies" (love that story,btw) and for our activity we talked about the lunar phases. What better way to demonstrate than with Oreos, right?!?
...and that concludes October! 

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